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Williams Adeventure

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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:27 pm

Vancha had grown weak but William's teasing aroused him even more. The incubus growled lightly and said "You can be such a tease. I love it." Vancha was glad he had long arms, he could still touch William in most places and that to Vancha was important. The incubus growled loudly, only William's touch could make him feel this way and act this way. Vancha pressed against him and said "Ooh...Ooh William. " he lifted his hips slightly off of the bed and he growled once more.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:41 pm

"Of course you do. I always eventually please" Wiliam purred to him knowing that he once again had him quite worked up over his actions. He had nibbled one nipple and knew he could not leave the other out so he did the same to the other one. He pressed his body into Vanchas even if they couldnt actually do anything in the position the were in but he still liked the feeling of their bodies pressed together. Why couldnt Vancha be a girl for now so he could have him this way. So he could kiss him like this still. Then his lips went to Vanchas even if he still had the taste of Vanchas blood on his lips. "Tell me what you want...." He said to him after the kiss. "You really just gonna lay there like a happy bitch all the time?" William could be so mean at times.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:49 pm

Vancha chuckled and said playfully, "I wish I could be an actual female for the moment so you can have you fun. I am sure there is a spell or something for that but I am your happy bitch." He had picked up on William's thought. Vancha chuckled and then he rolled them over so he was on top of Willam. Vancha nuzzled Willam's neck and he kissed his lover all over while his hands roamed his body. His hands slipped down and he clutched William to him before he pleasured his lover. He went on and on for a few hours and then he pulled away and eyed Willam and his body with a happy smile.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:59 pm

"No lover I do not wish for you to be female at all" William said with a laugh. He didnt wanna risk him getting any of the attitude that came along with a female. Plus he liked him just the way he was. He laughed at him agreeing with his insult. William let him rolled him over as he pleased wanting him to go for something other then lay there. He purred to him when he kissed over him. When it was over he laid there on the bed watching him, putting his arms around his neck and kissing on his shoulders snuggling him. When William wanted something he was rude and needy. But at moments like this when he was fully satisfied he was quite the sweet kitty. So he was snuggling into him affectionately right now. No more insults. He was satisfied and full so now he wanted to be held, and to hold Vancha. "Mm over 200 yrs for sure" He purred softly to him.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:08 pm

Vancha chuckled and he layed down next to William and the incubus held his lover close. He said softly, "I love you." He kissed him a few more times, lovingly and then he pulled a blanket over them. Vancha didn't want anyone somehow coming in and seeing William's body. Vancha was quite jealous when anyone saw William, he was William's and he hoped that William was his. The incubus wrapped his arms around William and he held him close as he dozed off a bit. Vancha's head was resting on William's shoulders, his legs were tangled with William's and his arms were wrapped around William.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:17 pm

"And I you" William whispered back to him. The kisses were returned but his eyes were starting to grow heavy because he was ready to sleep. He hadnt been sleeping enough lately. William let him put the blanket over them and he snuggled back into him. His arms were around Vancha and his body was tangled into his just the same. He slept for about an hour before he was awoken by his own yelling. A loud aggressive No!! He looked down at his arm and there was a large cut down it that neither he nore Vancha could possible have done. There was no doors or windows that anyone had come through. He looked around the room confused. What in the.... "Vancha?" He said softly, a bit of a whimper to his voice. He always looked to his lover for protection.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:31 pm

Vancha had been sleeping peacefully. He jolted awake and he jumped out of bed and crouched in front of the bed, once he figured out nothing was attacking them. Then Vancha crawled back into bed and asked, "What's wrong?" He spotted the blood and the incubus licked over the cut, his spit seemed to close the wound and Vancha asked "What the heck did you do William? That's a nasty cut." The incubus hadn noticed anything odd, he had not heard anything either so Vancha figured William cut himself some how.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:36 pm

William just looked at him a bit shocked and worried over what had happened. William would have healed pretty quickly being a vampire but he still let Vancha take care of it even more quickly. He shook his head when he asked him what he had done. "I dont know. I was sleeping. I was dreaming... someone attacked us. They had stabbed you" He explained, which was why when he had woken he had been yelling no because he had woken as they had stabbed Vancha. "I didnt do this Vancha. I never left the bed" And even his fangs couldnt have done that kind of damage to himself.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:54 pm

Vancha's expression grew dark and he said, "We need to bind our house. They shouldn't of been able to get in like that. I bind the house every Halloween..." he trailed off and he grabbed his phone and checked the month. They were a few days away from Halloween and Vancha said "The bind now is weak. I see why they are getting into your dreams but...who? Who did this and how did they leave a mark? I think we need to go into the tunnel and find the answer there. I do not like this."


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:00 pm

William looked at him even more confused by the fact that he seemed to half known what was going on. "Bind the house?" He looked at him for him to explain. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. At Halloween? He hadnt even pay any attention to what month it was much less the holiday. His months just seemed to run together. "What are you going on about?" He said his panick just seeming to grow more. He had no idea even who could have gotten into his dreams, but Vancha seemed to be able too. "It was a man that was after us... I dont know what he was. He was not a vampire" He was sure of that, but he felt alot of power in him. He was clinging close to Vancha leaning into his chest.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:12 pm

Vancha said "Casters do it, Macon, Leah, and I's mother is a caster and it's a tradition we do. Basically it keeps other Incubuses and things I don't want to mess with us to get into our dreams and into our home. I think they breached the bind." He comforted William and he said "Halloween is basically Caster's and incubus's new year. It's a powerful night filled with dark magic, so promise me you will stay home with me. I do not want anything to happen. As long as I can protect you we will be fine. "


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:17 pm

William listened raising a brow slightly trying to take in what he was saying. Incubus were definately more complicated creatures then vampire. Something had sure happened and they had not had to come in here so it was for sure some kind of witchish power of some sort so it made sense. Dark magic? That made sense. "You want me to stay in on halloween? That is the one night vampires dont have to hide" Because he could show off his fangs and everyone would just think it was a good halloween costume. Truth was William really did not like to be tied down even for a night and Vancha knew that. It made him feel like a caged animal. "Why would any of them be after you or me? " William asked trying to change the subject from him being trapped for a night. Hed just avoid the question.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:31 pm

Vancha said, "you could be killed! William I can't risk you. I...I.." he sighed and said,"Would you be happy if we find a caster or incubus party? Please I want to save you." Vancha nuzzled his lovers neck carefully and he said "I love you. " When Will asked his next question he said "Well first off Vampires and Incubus's aren't exactly supposed to be together. Someone could be pissed about that. Then I know your ex-lovers are still pretty pissed as well as mine. Leah and Macon could of pissed someone off plus my Family? The Ravenwoods are pretty hated. Is there anything you should tell me?"


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:37 pm

William rolled his eyes at Vancha getting all worked up. Sometimes he could be such a spoil sport and a prude and all those kinds of words. Save him? They didnt even know he was in danger. Or that he was right about who it was. Then he had to go and be all cute and affectionate and say he loved him. "You know I dont like those kind of limits put on me" William gave an annoyed growl. Then he went off and started listing who could be mad at them. He raised a brow at him asking if there was anything he should know. "What does that mean?" Then a light bulb went off in his mind and he bite his lip a little. Oh okay this could be bad.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:50 pm

Vancha grabbed William gently and he crushed his body against William's. He said "Please, I love you and I want to protect you. Please just...I will do anything you would like. We could have a party here if you would like." The incubus kissed his lover gently and he whispered, "Please." Vancha held William still and he asked, "Would anyone want to kill you? Anyone I should protect your from because that was an odd attack and I would like to be prepared. "


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:57 pm

William rolled his eyes at his begging because it was becoming annoying, and he was feeling annoyed just because he knew he was asking things of him that he didnt like to do. He may have been better off just to plan some big night and never tell him what he was doing. But now he knew. When he was asking if there was anyone he should protect him from. "A couple months ago... I may have pretend sort of seduced this teenage looking girl and took her blood and nothing else. Kind of tricked her. And... She was half Incubis...not sure what the other half was. I just knew she smelled so good. I couldnt help myself" William had loved her blood alot. "And she may have screamed and this old man came out and said hed get... revenge" William bite his lip. Oops.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:04 pm

Vancha sighed softly and he said, "William I mean it. Don't leave. Please." He listened and his expression grew darker and he said, "William that's not good. We might have a big problem you know?" He held his lover close and he said "I will protect you. I promise." Vancha smiled his charming smile and the incubus said, "Let's get some sleep alright? You look tired." He gently traced the dark circles that were slowly growing under William's eyes. Vancha said "What will I do with you? You are my troublemaker."


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:09 pm

William still had yet to tell him if he would stay or not. This really was starting to become a buzz kill on his trouble making ways. He lived for the excitement and the danger. But well the last thing he wanted to do was upset his wonderful Vancha. He hated seeing him worked up. "I know you will. Thats why I know I can start all the trouble I do. My big strong man will protect me" William teased giving his lips a little kiss as he snuggled him. "I am sleepy. " William admitted letting him touch his face just looking up at him with that sweet innocent face that tricked so many. He could look so sweet. "You will do nothing but protect and love me. Yes your trouble maker. Its your fault really. I had never tasted a Incubus til you. And you taste so well I want more" He said with a smile, giving him another kiss.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:22 pm

Vancha grinned and he said "I love you. Now sleep babe." He pulled William onto the bed and he kissed his lovers neck and said "I will protect you. I will always protect you." Vancha stood up ad he went and took a shower quickly before drying off and curling up next to his lover. He held William close, he was quiet so that William could fall asleep because william was staying awake so that he could protect William while he slept.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:27 pm

"I will." William told him playfully and he settled into bed so he could be comfortable. He never bothered to even put any clothes on because it was just Vancha around. He slept well at first because of him having his lover there, and he trusted he would take care of him. He snuggled back into Vancha when he came back from his shower. He even snuggled into his chest more because he smelled good. But the same thing started happening again. This time the slice went down Williams stomach and when it was done, the marks had spelled out dead. Oddly though William had not woken up through it all. This was only practice for what the revenge would be.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:01 pm

Vancha tried not to wake his lover as he sealed the cuts. He hated this, he hated not being able to protect him. Vancha held his lover close as possible but he left space between their bodies so he didn't rub against the cuts. He nuzzled William's neck and he groaned softly. The incubus dozed off a bit but he stayed awake to protect William though in all seriousness he couldn't do much as he wished he could. Vancha sighed softly and pulled the blankets up higher over them.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:17 pm

William would not wake while he was sealing the wounds, and because he was a vampire and healed well he would never even know about the second attack that had sent a very clear message. Even while he slept he would snuggle close into his lover when he was close to him. After a good days sleep William felt much better. The sleep had done him well since he hadnt in awhile. When he woke he had a shower and cleaned himself up. Then he styled his hair and hummed to himself actually in pretty good spirits. It was still on his mind about Vancha begging him to stay in for the holiday that vampires celebrated. He knew this wasnt about vancha wanting to clip his wings. He was good about letting him do as he pleased. It was one of the reasons things worked between them. His lover accepted tha the had to roam at times. "Vancha!!" He yelled to see if he was awake yet.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:29 pm

Vancha dozed off next to his lover, when William showered the incubus slept on. He was exhausted since William had taken a lot of blood and he had not slept because to be honest he was way too scared to sleep in case William was attacked again. When his lover called to him, Vancha sighed and got up. He said," Yeah?" He yawned and stretched. He walked to the bathroom, completely naked. Who cared? Only his lover could see him. Vancha leaned against the bathroom door and said "Yeah Babe?" He grinned and watched his lover.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:37 pm

"Hello" William said cheerfully. He hadnt yet looked at his lover but when he did a smirk moved across his lips. Such a beautiful man his Vancha was. "A nice site first thing in the evening" He told him and he moved closer to him and he softly kissed his lips and ran his hand over his chest. "I decided... that since your so good to me. That if you want me home for Halloween I will stay home" Then just because he wanted to and he could he got on his knees and he took care of his lover down south with his mouth so it would truly be a good morning for both of them. He loved to suprise him.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:51 pm

Vancha said, "Look at you." He grinned and he ran his hands down his lovers body. Vancha smiled happily and said "Thank you. I will make it worth it to you. I promise." The incubus moaned loudy when William pleasured him. When William stopped Vancha grinned and said "That's the perfect way to wake up. We should hunt and then have some fun..." his lover was making him distracted, they should go to the tunnels but William was just so amazing.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 2 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

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