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Williams Adeventure

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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:47 pm

"You will see the error of your way Vancha. Now you will be welcome back into the Incubus. Not an outcast with that vampire hide up all the time because the world is against you. I will have no more talk of this. Its finished" The old man was starting to lose his temper because they were not listening to what he was saying. "Come inside. You may even bring your humans" He said the human thing like they were slaves. Less then them. Then he went inside. He was an elder Incubus it would not be a good idea to take him on. Or very easy to do so. He knew all the tricks. Williams body just lay there motionless on the ground. His shirt was now covered in blood. His skin was paler then it had ever been before. He was ice cold to the touch. Colder then normal.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:54 pm

Vancha growled and said "You monster. I am burying William before doing anything." He, Leah and Macon dug a hole and they buried William. Vancha looked as if he wanted to jump into the grave as well but Leah grabbed his arm and she and her human lover walked inside. Vancha resisted especially when he saw the old man. He wanted to kill him, he wanted to make him suffer for what he did to William. He said aggressively "So Leah can have a human preformer mate and a kid that's half human and I can't have a vmapire mate?" He glared at the old man and he said "Looks like your granddaughter is just that human's whore. She's pregnant again you know." He was miserable and he wanted to take out this hate out on someone, anyone.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:02 pm

[ooc haha Vancha could go morn with Haven. Haha. Hes a part of William lol]

The old man went inside leaving them to deal with burying the vampire. What he wanted to be done had already been done. "This is not about Leah. This is about you" He told him seriously thinking that Vancha would soon get over his little crush he had on the vampire. He thought there was no way it love. Soon he would move on. He would bring females around that were more suitable for him. He looked to Leah, but then back at Vancha in a hurry. "You will not speak like that" He said, he would talk to Leah later. It was becoming out of hand her having children the way she was. He just shook his head. "Do you all not care about our kind living on? Are you really trying to kill the Incubus off?"


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:33 pm

Vancha growled and said "So you don't want to break them up as well? I mean how many human children is she going to have? She's letting that human screw her all the time!" Leah said "Vancha STOP." Vancha kept going, he was so furious he just wanted everyone else to feel the loss he was feeling. He looked at Macon and said "What about Macon? He has impregnated so many female vampires and incubuses! He hasn't gotten in trouble for that. No you KILLED my mate you monster! I hope we all die off! Especially if we have kinds of incubuses like you!"


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:40 pm

Jacques ran a hand through his hair at Vancha being this way. But he just looked at him as he ranted on. He knew all this was just about him rebeling. He knew he needed time to move on from the other male. Truth was he had no liked that William had been a male either. "Everyone saw the way he treated you. Everyone saw it but you. He was not even good to you" He told him trying to get him to see reason here. "Why dont you go for a walk Vancha. Cool down and get yourself together" He suggested to his grandson because he needed to calm down and see the right in here. That they had been trying to do good by him. He got up and walked over to his grandson and rubbed his shoulder. "If it matters I am sorry you are hurting. But I want the best for you Vancha. Youve always had so much potential"


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:54 pm

Vancha looked as if he was going to bite the old man. He jerked away and he growled and said "You are a monster." He fled the house. Vancha was incredibly pissed off. He killed recklessly, he didn't bother to feed he just killed for the slight high it gave him. Vancha was broken. The poor Incubus, how could he live with himself? Many different thoughts ran through his head. Vancha could kill the old man like he wished to, he could be good and take a female incubus as a mate or he keep push himself to the limits.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:59 pm

The blue eyed vampire had been doing well lately. Him and Alice had parted. It had been to hard for him to try and live half in her world and half out. But he still kept an eye on her to make sure she was alright. He had went searching why he was not sure. He had a feeling, in the pit of his stomach. He felt the pain. He had only felt it one other time and his maker had been hurt. So he made it over to the other side of the town were William and Vancha lived. He tracked the smell of the two. He didnt understand all the blood he smelled too. William was really on a killing spree he bet. He was always so bad. Then he saw it was Vancha. The more reasonable of the two. "Vancha?" He asked him, it was a question both asking what was wrong, and where was his maker. He kind of missed being around him. Not that he wanted to be with him. He was lonely maybe the three of them could spend some time together.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:21 am

Vancha was sitting on the blood soaked carpet, body's were strewn all around the apartment and Vancha was in the middle of it. His eyes were glazed over, as if he was a million miles away. Which he was. Vancha glanced up at Haven oddly, what was he doing here? Vancha said nothing for a while but finally he said "William is dead. What the hell do you want?" The incubus was in a dangerous place, he was not mentally stable which was clear by the way he was acting.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:26 am

Haven looked at the scene around him, with the feeling he felt inside and he knew this was really bad. When Vancha finally answer he nodded his head a little. "I knew it had to be bad. The only other time I felt this way was when he was badly hurt. And this was worse" He told him wondering if he should try and help his makers lover because he felt like he owed William something for helping him while they were together. "Vancha you know William wouldnt want you to do this. You brought out the good in him. Hed want you to do well" He stayed near the door leaning against the wall not about to approach. "Lets get you cleaned up. Ill take care of the bodies" He said softly, but still he made no moves to come toward him. "He really loved you" He told him softly. He couldnt believe William was dead. "How did it happen?"


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:43 am

Vancha stood, it took him a while and he looked at the bodies and he said "Leave them. It doesn't really matter does it? The human cops can't find me. I can take down their whole squad if needed." He unbuttoned his blood soaked shirt showing his very muscular chest and he chuckled and said "I should get cleaned up. I am taking down the mother fucker who killed William. " yup, Vancha wasn't doing good. He was too focused on revenge.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:47 am

Haven just stood there looking at him. He had to get Williams lover where he was at least okay. THis was not okay for sure. He tried not to look as Vancha took off his shirt. Now he saw what had attracted William to Vancha in the first place. "You should. Do you want my help? You know I cared for him too." Even if he had his arguements with him, and he hadnt seen him lately. He really should have came and seen him sooner. But he had been dealing with his own issues. "I will help you anyway you want" Haven told him feeling a bit lost himself with his maker dead. He couldnt believe it. He followed after him if he started to move away, but still he didnt get to close. Sometimes Vancha scared him, and in this mood he was really scarey.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:02 am

Vancha sighed and he stripped off his jeans. He was used to this, he knew the drill. Vancha sighed and said "Sorry. I miss him." He slowly made his way to the bathroom, Vancha needed to wash off the blood. The sensible part of Vancha was returning and he felt horrible. Most of the people were brutally murdered and he was the one who did it. Vancha shook his head sadly.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:06 am

Haven again tried not to look as the male took off his clothes. But he was a good looking guy and he couldnt help but look. But he only peaked then he looked away for a moment til he talked to him and said that he missed William. "I know. Im sorry. And you dont have to be sorry to me. " He let Vancha walk off to the shower and a part of him wanted to help with that too. But instead he started to walk off to where the bodies were. If Vancha didnt need anything else he would start carrying the bodies out and burning them. Haven was a big strong vampire and he would take care of them in no time. He even used his vampire speed to clean as much as he could get up of the blood as he could. A part of him wanted to take care of Vancha. In honor of William.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:25 am

Vancha stayed in the shower for a long time. He just stood in the water, his eyes fixated on the drain and the water flowing to the drain. After a while Vancha stepped out, he didn't bother with a towel. Vancha just walked to bedroom which was in plain sight of Haven. The vampire could see the whole incubus but Vancha didn't care at al. He was just so empty, so not himself.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:30 am

Haven got everything all clean up except for some blood that had stained some things. Those things would have to be replaced. When he caught a glimpse of Vancha he headed of in another direction so he couldnt see him. He was not the type that he would look at someone when they didnt want him too. No matter how lonely he was. He sat on the couch and he just waited for Vancha to come out and say anything more to him. Staying felt awkward, but he didnt feel like he could leave either. "Vancha... you okay?" He finally said after awhile. Enough time went by that he knew hed be dressed. Then he walked into the room. "He would want you to live on. Hed want us both too. You have to live for him now Vancha... " Haven moved closer to him and gave him a one armed hug.

[ooc gonna post Tristan once more. Then I gotta sleep. Ill be back tomorrow]


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:08 pm

Vancha sighed, it took a while for his words to process. He then said "But...you know, half the time I didn't know what he wanted. William was so confusing at times." The incubus put his head on Haven's shoulder and he asked "Will you stay with me? Please? I do not want to be alone...I will be moving out soon as well." Vancha sighed and shook his head lightly, he was in a vulnerable position at the moment.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:15 pm

Haven was a bit surprised that he had accepted his hug but he was glad he did. Truth was Haven was pretty upset over losing his maker. But he knew he had to be strong for Vancha. When he rested his head on his shoulder and asked him to stay his hand ran through his hair a little. "He was always difficult. But so much fun to be around. You couldnt help but love and hate him at the same time" He said with a little kind of forced laugh. "Of course Ill stay. As long as you need me Vancha" He hadnt so much got along with him before. But now he felt like he had to be there for him. Haven didnt wanna leave at all. To be honest he liked it right like this standing here holding him. And why had he never noticed how good looking he was?


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:11 pm

Vancha chuckled and said "So very true." He looked up at the vampire and he shifted closer. Vancha needed someone.. maybe Haven could help him get over William. No he couldn't replace his lost lover but he could kske things bearable. Vancha pushed Haven down onto the bed gently and he pressed his lips against Havens. He kissed the vampire hard and Vancha sat on Haven's hips, holding him down.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:17 pm

Haven was glad he could make him laugh a little at a time like this. That made Haven smile and those gorgeous light blue eyes of his almost seemed to laugh when they sparkled when he smiled. Haven was a pretty happy person alot of the time. He was good at making bad situations better. Haven was a bit surprised at his next actions. He went from killing people to try and bed him. Wow... but some reason he didnt mind. He kissed Vancha back, and he put his arms around his neck letting the kiss deepin. This was so weird, but oddly very right as well. His lips felt very right. Haven oddly didnt even mind the being held down part.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:54 pm

Vancha kissed him hard. He started on getting Haven's clothes off. Vancha needed him. He needed him terribly. Vancha nuzzled Haven's neck and he said "Haven...mmmm please?" His hands roamed the vampire's body eagerly. Vancha nuzzled Haven's neck and he kissed his neck multiple times. He kicked off his own jeans and he waited to see if Haven would give in and allow him to bed him.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:03 pm

Vancha was being a bit less romantic then Haven normally liked it to be. But he understood where he was coming from. They were not lovers in love so there this wasnt gonna be some love maming sex. But maybe it would help Vancha feel better. Maybe himself too. He did after all like s*x, and he liked Vanchas nice body. He ran his fingers through the back of his hair when he kissed his neck. "You havent heard me say no, or push you away have you? " Haven told Vancha in could he have him. And well Haven would probably feel better then William in some ways because he had let alot less men have him then what had William. He helped take Vanchas clothes off, and he forgot this was his dead makers lover, and enjoyed it all very much. Vancha was not only good looking, but good in bed.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:14 am

Vancha grinned widely and he made love with Haven for a long time. Afterwards he pulled Haven close, Vancha kissed his newest lover's neck and he said "You are good...very good." The incubus stretched a bit but then he pulled Haven close, he didn't like to be separated. Haven had distracted Vancha and he felt way better now.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:19 am

Haven had three companions since Alice. Vancha was the third. The first had been a real j*rk and they had never even did anything. The second had been quite the hermit and they never did anything besides talk, but he had found the vampire male quite interesting. But he had always been afraid he would drain him in his sleep. Then there was Vancha. haven enjoyed himself quite well. He was surprised he was so eager for him. It had been awhile though. Along time since he had a creature like Vancha. "You are not bad yourself..." Haven whispered to him watching him with those sky blue eyes of his. This had vented some of his feelings as well. "What now?" He asked him curious if this was all he wanted from him. HIs fingers ran over Vanchas chest and shoulders as he kissed his neck. "I always thought you hated me" Haven said laughing lightly.


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by Admin Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:15 pm

Vancha held Haven close, he had his head on the vampires chest. He looked up at Haven and he said softly "Why don't you stay with me? I promise I wasn't using you. I think we could...be friends..more than friends." Vancha stuttered. He didn't know what to say, he ment what he said. If he couldn't have William he wanted Haven. He looked at Haven, wondering what the male would say. Vancha said "I was jealous, I didn't want William going back to you and you being with my niece didn't help."


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Williams Adeventure - Page 5 Empty Re: Williams Adeventure

Post by kyleesowner Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:25 pm

Haven appreciated the closeness glad he wasnt just kicking him outta here. He was sensative about stuff like this. One upon a time he had been so reserved on who he shared a bed with. But lately it seemed to be letting his morals go a bit more. He had become a bit of a wanderer these days and he was not sure that staying with Vancha would work out. He only needed him because William had died. "He would have never left you for me. William was never mind. Not even before we parted" He told him seriously. William couldnt be tamed until he meet Vancha. And well tame was not the right word them either. "I only wanted to keep her safe and happy. I still make sure she is safe. I just dont let her know when Im there" He missed Alice, she had been good to him. "I will stay for now... but someday you will move on and not need me" Haven told him softly, massaging Vanchas shoulder a little. "You are just hurting right now" Haven didnt think he really wanted him. No one seemed to. "Your a good man Vancha"


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