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Tristan And Dallas

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Tristan And Dallas Empty Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:45 pm

Tristan and Dallas had both made it from the city, she had nearly miscarried their unborn child and well she was on bedrest. Dallas had a feeling that Traz was still after them so she had fixed up an old abandoned home behind Tristan's back, she knew he was going to be pissed but in Dallas's mind she was protecting him and the baby. The two had escaped when Traz had shown up and now they were hiding out in the house Dallas had fixed up. She was now currently a few days from the due date the doctors had given her and Dallas was growing restless. Tristan rarely let her out of the house because of the worry that she could either get harmed or Traz could find her. It pissed her off but she loved Tristan anyway,  she was used to her taking care of herself not having someone else doing it for her.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:22 pm

Tristan was trying to do as much as he could around the house, so there would be nothing left for her to do. But she always seemed to make more that needed to be done so she had something to do. It was frustrating to him, at times he wanted to yell at her that he thought she was trying to lose the baby at times. Only a few days left and she would have the baby. And really having it a few days earlier would not be the death of their child. Tristan had caught a wild pig and had cut it up for their food. He had dried out some meat and made a rather good beef jerky sort of meal outta it. He brought a few pieces into her glad to see she was actually in her bed the way she was supposed to be. "Try this and see what you think?" He had tried his best to make sure she remain fat and healthy and hopefully the baby would do well. Tristan was exhausted on the inside and he often forgot to do things like shave, so he had some facial hair going on at the moment. The young man in Tristan was having to grow up quickly with all that was happening.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:34 pm

Dallas saw how weak Tristan was growing and she said "Babe come be with me for a while." She sat up awkwardly, her stomach was very large, Dallas couldn't see her feet at this point. Dallas pouted and she said "Please babe, the child seems to calm down when you are around and you look so tired. " she couldn't wait to be able to help him out, she only had a few days left. Hopefully unless she started pushing herself. Maybe she should, Dallas said "You know I only have a few days left. If the baby comes early...it will be fine." Dallas got up and looked up at Tristan to see if he would protest.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:52 pm

Tristan sat on the bed when she asked him to come be with her. He again offered her the jerky because he was much more interested in her eating them him resting. "Try it" He encouraged her because it was his best batch. "Does it?" He asked thrilled by the idea of the baby liking him near already. "Im fine" He insisted to her because there was no way he would let on and make her wanna help more then she already did. "Lay down Dallas... we have to let the baby stay in your stomach as long as possible. Lay and Ill lay with you" He told her again encouraging her. There was no way he would risk her or the baby. he was nervous enough about the birth. Only a few days. He really couldnt wait.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:58 pm

Dallas tried some and she said "Good job babe." She ate some more and Dallas said, "It starts kicking when I see you, I wonder if it's because I get excited when you are around." She sighed and said "The sooner I can help the better off we are. Hopefully next time you don't knock me up babe." Dallas layed down and looked at him and said "Please come lay with me?" She frowned and rubbed her oversized stomach and Dallas said softly, "Is it supposed to hurt this much babe?" Dallas sat up again.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:32 pm

Tristan smiled proudly. He often seemed to be looking for acceptance by her. Her being proud of him, or happy with him was all he ever wanted, and even needed. "Im glad you are both happy to see me" He told her this making a smile move across his lips. Things were going well for them. Things were calm now expect for the baby. "It is hard to keep my hands off you" He teased her. It had been sometime since they had been able to make love. He could see himself wanting to alot as soon as they could. "I cant help I want you" He told her softly reaching out and rubbing her belly softly. "Okay" He told her laying down onto the bed. Then she asked about it hurting so much. "What do you mean? Where does it hurt?" He was confused.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:40 pm

Dallas wrapped her arms around his neck and she said,"As soon as we can we will have our fun babe." She put her head on his shoulder and said "I love you." Dallas winced again and she said "I'm just..it's not.." Dallas looked at him and said "Babe. I...I think we need to get ready for the baby." She winced then gasped as a sharp pain shot from her ba k to her abdomen. Dallas rolled onto her back and she sat up and got off the bed. Her shorts were wet and part of the bed was as well, her water had broken.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:46 pm

"I know. I cant wait" Tristan told her playfully kissing her lips making it have a bit to it. But he knew he had sometime to wait. That she would have to heal even after the baby was born. "I love you too" But then she spoke about pain and his mind was on a totally different thing. When she said she needed to get ready for the baby he hoped up in a hurry and he When he looked at the bed he looked at her a bit panicked. "Lay down, stop getting up" He told her trying to get her to lay down so he could get a better look of what was going on. He knew that her water had broke but he needed to see how much time before the baby was born. He went and got a few things. Some fresh water, and towels. A few other things. He used a glove and some lube and he checked her over to see how long they had.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:59 pm

Dallas laid down on the bed. She held still for him and she looked at him anxiously and asked, "How much longer do we have?" Her voice grew high pitched with fear, she had been dreading this day for months now. She wasn't in any pain right now, the pains had gone for the moment but Dallas sat up and propped herself up on her elbows to see what Tristan was doing. Dallas said "We have a while.. I think the pain is gone right now."


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:06 pm

"Shh relax" Tristan told her with a bit of a laugh because he had barely started to check her out and she was already wanting answers. He rubbed her leg with his free hand for a moment to try and calm her. He was sure glad the mid wife woman had at least taken the time to teach him about what to do, because she couldnt be here. "Mmm sounds right. You only feel two centimeters dialated. But well see when the pan comes back" He told her with a bit of a smile agan. "Things are gonna be fine" He told her taking the glove off and throwing it in the trash. He had plenty of them.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:17 pm

Dallas said, "Okay. Hopefully we get to meet our baby soon. " he made her feel so much better and safe. Dallas was sure he was going to protect her though he couldn't do much. Once Tristan came close she asked, "So what's your guess. Boy or Girl?" Dallas snuggled into his side and she held onto him, she tried not to show any sign of her contractions. They were starting to grow more painful, quicker and closer together but Dallas said nothing to him. She kept talking to him through the pains and she dozed off times to time.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:45 pm

"That would be nice." Tristan told her about meeting their child. He was quite excited, even if he was worried to get through the birth part. He knew women had died giving birth to a child before. But he thought he could get her through this. "Umm I think a sweet little girl like you" Though he kind of hoped for a boy because girls were not always treated so well, and you had to do things like find them a husband. He found all that a bit bad. So maybe a son was better. Hed never be able to let his daughter go. He snuggled into her and because he was so tired he actually went to sleep. It had been days since he even laid down like this.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:55 pm

Dallas sleepily muttered a reply but it was jumbled and she fell asleep soon after. She woke a few times, when the pains grew worse. After many hours of this Dallas sat up, she was sure it was time. She tried to get off the bed but her contractions were terrible and Dallas finally cried out in pain. Dallas was unsteady and she was now scared, Tristan was asleep and she didn't want to wake him. She had fallen off the bed and Dallas had kicked off her shorts and underwear, then she sat up a bit to try and see past her huge stomach.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:02 pm

Tristan had been really tired so once he got to sleep he was sleeping pretty deeply. So he hadnt heard when she had first started having alot of pain. The falling off the bed had started to wake him. But when he heard the heavily breathing through his half awake half sleepy state. But a few moments later he jumped up and he ran a hand through his hair looking to her on the ground with the clothes off her lower half he sighed heavily. "Can we get you back on the bed?" He asked her. Though maybe it was better on the floor. He didnt wanna get their bed all bloody. So he got the stuff he needed and he sat on the floor once again checking out between her legs. "Your really getting there" He told her giving her a smile, because soon they would meet their baby like they wanted.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:11 pm

Dallas whimpered and she lay back down. The labor progressed quickly, she didn't need Tristan's signal to start pushing. Dallas already knew to push, she pushed hard and she clenched her jaw. Dallas refused to scream, no matter what she couldn't scream. It could alert any people near by and probably would upset Tristan, she stayed silent and she pushed through the pain. Dallas grew weaker and weaker,and she grew pale as well. She pushed once more but she had to stop, Dallas was too weak.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:16 pm

"Shh you can do this baby its okay" Tristan told her when things started. But as they went on he was starting to become more worried. The baby didnt seem to be coming out like it should. He felt in there a little and thought maybe the baby was in the wrong position but he wasnt even sure. He hated to go in there and starting messing with it incase he was wrong about what he thought. He watched her grow weaker and he tried to keep the frown from his lips. "Come on baby... you cant give up. Stay with me" He told her, begging her, and he started to try and feel what he could of the baby. See if it was its head at her opening or not.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:28 pm

Dallas looked at him tiredly and she pushed again. She was breathing quickly and she was sweating. Dallas never sweated but she was in a lot of pain and distress right now. She looked at Tristan, Dallas was panicking now, she whimpered and then she said, "Tristan...get it out. Please." Her eyes were watering and she cried because she was scared and she was hurting terribly. She pushed again and again but her pushes were growing weaker and Dallas was trying to stay with Tristan.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:32 pm

Tristan continued to try and help the baby come out but it was becoming obvious that this baby was not gonna come out on its own. He watched her and he knew he was gonna have to do something drastic. So he put one hand on her to try and keep her still then he put his hand inside her and he tried his best to get the baby the right way around. Once he had his hand in there he knew that the baby was in the wrong position. He wondered if the baby was still alive. He prayed it was. "Hang on baby" He told her and he tried to actually pull the baby out once he thought he had it the right way. But he wasnt used to this, it was so hard to tell. "You stay with me Dallas... I need you" He was almost starting to cry. He couldnt lose them both.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:08 pm

Dallas stayed still, she couldn't even fight him if she tried. When he moved the baby he had moved it correctly and Dallas pushed harder and she did it once again. She gasped, the pains were getting less painful and the baby was starting to come out. Dallas pushed harder and harder and she clentched her jaw, Dallas still refused to scream though the pain was horrid but they were getting better. Her breathing was quick and she gasped out as she said, "I..I love you."


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:32 pm

Tristan was a bit lost what to do for a second. But then things just started to kick in. He even remembered to hold her down a bit with one hand at first to steady her. Then he went to adjusting the baby. Again at first he was unsure but then he found the baby, and every part of it turing it around with not alot of difficulty. But it had been hard work and he knew it had to be painful. "Love you too" He told her with a smile but then he help give birth to their child. He made sure it was okay, and he tied off the cord and cut it in the right place. Then he looked down to see what the baby was. A boy or a girl. "We have a...."


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:43 pm

Dallas sat up and she looked at the baby with a huge smile. She said, "It's a girl. " Dallas looked down at her stomach, it was starting to deflate so that was good. She was exhausted but seeing the baby gave her a jolt of excitement. Dallas looked at Tristan and asked "Can I hold her?" She reached for the baby, her arms were trembling and she was fighting off sleep. Dallas said "Is she okay?" She was anxious, the baby was not crying too much. It worried her.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:47 pm

Tristan was gonna tell her she could hold her. But then he remembered something that the mid wife had told him. The baby needed to cry. If the baby didnt come out crying it may not be okay. Tristan held the baby like he was gonna burp it and he gently patted its back hoping it would cry. He was starting to panic. He didnt really know what else he could do but a few things. "Just hang on baby" He told her again he prayed that the baby would be okay.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:55 pm

Dallas nearly freaked out, their baby couldn't die! She couldn't, not after all that she and Tristan had been through to protect her. The baby let out a weak cry andthe her cries got stronger. Dallas looked at Tristan carefully then at the baby and she said, "You saved her babe...she's perfect." Dallas sighed and asked "Can I have her?" She smiled at him but she was terribly excited to hold her baby. The child she had nearly lost.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by kyleesowner Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:59 pm

Tristan was just about to panic because he thought after all Dallas had been through that she was gonna lose her baby. And he knew that would kill both of them. But then he heard the weak cry and he knew that something was working. So he continue until the baby gave a stronger cry. "Thank you God" He said outloud because he wondered if the praying was what had actually helped. "We did this together" He told her walking over to her and carefully handing her the baby


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

Post by Admin Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:08 pm

Dallas held the baby correctly and she smiled happily. She looked up at Tristan and she kissed him passionately letting him know, without using her words how much she loved him. Dallas said "I love you and our baby girl. She's perfect. You are perfect..." it was actually late at night. All three of them needed to sleep to face their first day as a family. The baby cried softly and Dallas said "Should I feed her?" She bit her lip and looked up at Tristan.


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Tristan And Dallas Empty Re: Tristan And Dallas

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